“The Seller Questionnaire for debt sales is a comprehensive evaluation tool used to assess the value of a debt portfolio. It covers various aspects of debt sales including portfolio details, recovery rates, legal efforts, documentation, and more. This questionnaire helps ensure a smooth and successful debt sale process by providing valuable information about the portfolio being sold.”
Please fill out the following questions and email back a completed copy.
- What is the dollar value of this portfolio, and how many accounts are included? Please provide the dollar amount and the number of accounts below:
Dollar Amount: ________ Number of Accounts: ________
- Are you the originator or a reseller/broker for this portfolio? Please indicate your role: Originator: [ ] Reseller/Broker: [ ]
- What types of accounts are included in this portfolio? (Please check all that apply) And please specify the balance (Principal, Interest, Fees).
- What is the charge-off policy for these accounts?
- Have you ever sold charged-off accounts before? If yes, please indicate how many times. Times: ________
- How many agencies or attorneys have these accounts been sent to for collection? (Please check all that apply)
- Have all accounts that were sent to agencies/attorneys been recalled? Please explain: ________
- Which agencies or attorneys have these accounts been sent to? (Please check all that apply) Private Agency 1 Agency 2 Agency 3 Agency 4 V/MC Private Label Consumer Loans Indirect Auto Direct Auto
- When were these accounts last sent to an agency or attorney for collection?
- What was the average recovery rate for these accounts over a 12-month period, by placement level?
- How were the accounts handled by the agencies or attorneys you used for collection?
- What settlement offers have been made to these accounts?
- When was the last time a mass settlement offer was made?
- How long were these accounts at the agencies/attorneys at each placement level?
- What kind of legal efforts have been used for these accounts? Please describe your suit guideline requirements.
- Have these accounts been checked for bankruptcies and deceased individuals? Yes: [ ] No: [ ] Please add any comments: ________
- Have these accounts been scored since the charge-off? Please add any comments: ________
- What was the process used to determine which accounts to sell?
- If your data file has a “second” name, please indicate whether it represents a co-maker/responsible party or an authorized user. If both, please describe how to differentiate.
- How exactly do your name and reporting appear on the credit bureaus currently?
- Which credit bureaus are these accounts reported to? (Please check all that apply) Experian Trans Union Equifax
- How will you report these accounts to the credit bureaus after the sale?
- Have you reported the co-makers to the credit bureaus? Please add any comments: ________
- What kind of solicitation practices were used to obtain these customers? (Please check all that apply) Take-One Applications Phone Solicitations Pre-Approved Mailings
- What level of credit did these customers have when they were approved? (Please check all that apply)
- What were the guidelines for approval of credit for these customers?
- Did you originate these accounts? If not, please describe the acquisition process and provide proof of ownership.
- If you did not originate these accounts, can you provide copies of the chain of title?
- Do these accounts have any security interests? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- Are there any commercial accounts included in this portfolio? If so, how many?
- If these are installment loans, are they direct or indirect loans? Direct: [ ] Indirect: [ ] Both: [ ]
- If these are auto loans, is there force-placed insurance included? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- Do these accounts include post-charge-off interest or fees? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- What interest rate or money factor was charged on these accounts prior to the charge-off?
- How delinquent did the customer become before they could no longer use the services or account provided?
- What type of documentation or media is available, and what is the percentage available and the time frame to obtain it? Please provide the following information: TYPE % AVAILABLE TIME FRAME DESCRIPTION Payment Histories Screen Prints Applications Charge Slips Loan Agreement Billing Statements Other (Please describe) Complete Files.
- How is the documentation kept, and what is the process for obtaining it?
- Are you aware of any past statute accounts in this portfolio? If yes, will they be repurchased? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- Are you aware of any disputed accounts in this portfolio? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- Are you aware of any accounts that have retained attorneys in this portfolio? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- Can you indicate if your address on file is good or bad upon sale? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- Have you or any of your agencies ever put these accounts through a debt or credit card conversion program? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- Have these accounts been a party to litigation against the original creditor via Class Action or otherwise? Please explain.
- Does the original lender’s card member agreement or contract require arbitration rather than litigation? Please explain.
- Has the original lender been fined, scrutinized, or sanctioned by the FTC or any other state or federal agency regarding its collection practices or underwriting guidelines? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- Have any of these accounts received a 1099-c? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- For reference, under the FDCPA, when a debtor requests the original creditor’s name and address, what address should be used?
- If you have any additional comments that would help evaluate your portfolio, please indicate them.
- How many other bidders are there for this portfolio?
- Who are the other bidders?
- How much did your previous portfolio sell for?
- What price are you looking to sell these accounts for?
- Are you willing to sell the portfolio by state, region, or product type? Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
- Please list all available fields that will be made available to the purchaser at the time of the final data run.
- Is the resale of accounts permitted? Depends: [ ] Yes: [ ] No: [ ]
I am an authorized representative of _________, and the above answers to these due diligence questions are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: _________________Date: ___________